Fung Hon Shing — Wildlife photographer and filmmaker. Co-founder of a wildlife documentary filmmaking company - "Frigatefilms". The episode director, cinematographer, editor of “Biodiversity in Hong Kong” season 2 & 3, a television programme of Radio Television of Hong Kong. Graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, major in Biology, he also collaborates with organisations and schools to hold wildlife tours and photography workshop. 

馮漢城 - 生態攝影師及生態影片製作人。本地生態紀錄片製作公司 Frigatefilms 創辦人之一,擔任香港電台本地生態紀錄片節目《大自然大不同》第二季及第三季的單元編導、攝影、剪接。也會為機構及學校舉辦野外生態導賞、工作坊等活動。香港中文大學生物系畢業。

Facebook: FHS Wildlife
Instagram: fhs.f